Not sure what civilization fits you better? Our webpage offers graphs that indicate the strengths and weaknesses of each civilization, as judged by us. You can find this information in each civilization's description.
Each civilization is rated across five stats: military, defenses, economy, tactical and difficulty. Read the description of each stat below.
The key to winning the match. This stat indicates how strong your civilization is at fighting and killing enemies with strength alone. Even though there are other game elements in Wars of Liberty, this one is the truest aspect of the game. A good military score means that your civilization's military might be stronger, cheaper, more diverse in its roster, or civilization bonuses that benefit the military in one way or another. By itself, this stat is for those who prefer straightforward games, who like epic battles where every unit can make a difference. Learning how to play a good military civilization might be easy to do, but it certainly is hard to master; they are high risk for a high reward. Military civilizations generally prefer rushing playstyles.
Only with endurance can you survive. This stat shows your toughness and much pressure your civilization can take. If you want to stand your ground until you can become stronger than everyone else, then a defensive civilization is the one for you. A good defensive score means that your civilization has units with great defensive stats - like armor or hitpoints - tough buildings, or any kind of bonus that benefits being on the defensive. Civilizations with a good defensive score are able to fight against more than one opponent, and are perfect in closed maps. A civilization with a low score in defense will be easier to take down in a siege. A defensive civilization takes its time, but it will always end up bigger. Defensive civilizations generally prefer turtling playstyles.
The potential to do, build, or get anything. This stat represents how good your civilization is at gathering resources or using resources efficiently. Economy is the mother of all strategies and, in the end, everything can be pared down to numbers. A good economic score means that your civilization will always have the means to keep your strategy going or, if it's needed, even help an ally. Economic civilizations can keep on growing while their opponent is poor and weak. Bad economic civilizations might have strong peaks, but a large battle or prolonged siege can leave them bankrupt of resources, while a good economic civilization still has it all. Defeat them by being richer, and you defeat them twice. Economic civilizations generally prefer booming playstyles.
The hardest stat to measure. This stat demonstrates how effective your civilization is at playing the tactical game of clicks and wits. Above all gameplay elements, tactical play is the one that truly differentiates players. A good tactical score means that your civilization might be good at playing around with different elements of the game like religion, espionage or the counter system, might have bonuses that only benefit you if you have the mechanical skills necessary to use them at their fullest, or just that your civilization requires you to make a lot of decisions regarding what paths to take. Civilizations with a good tactical score might not be the best at fighting, defending or building up their economy, but they can certainly win games by outsmarting their opponent or by proving themselves the most skilled. Tactical civilizations generally prefer micromanaging playstyles.
You are not here because it will be easy. This stat shows how challenging it is to learn a civilization. A difficult civilization is one that hides a lot of secrets and requires a lot of matches to learn. While all civilizations can be mastered and all of them have their tricks, difficult civilizations are just harder to begin with, meaning that when you master them, you will have access to what no one else has access to. On the other hand, this usually comes with a harder time adapting and very strict gameplay options. These civilizations might be called a 'one trick pony,' but what a spectacular trick you can pull off with them. Difficult civilizations require diverse playstyles.
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