The newly independent nations bore the brunt of divided political and military entities - divided because of nationalistic ideologies, racial injustice, or pursuit of an identity. After fending off inner turmoil they emerged as key international players with the dawn of the 20th century.
In game, this history of the Anglos is reflected by a new feature completely unique to them — each is two civilizations in one, and which path they'll follow is up to the player to decide.
Each nation is controlled by two opposing political parties, and the player can choose the political party that will control his nation by aging up. Each party grants unique units, cards, techs and bonuses. As a tribute to them being the founders of parliamentary democracy they can vote on special issues in their unique building.
The most unique feature of the Anglos is their age-up system. Like Europeans, they age-up using Politicians, but out of each set of 4 politicians 2 of them belong to one political party and 2 belong to the other. Each political party offers its own bonuses, units, and cards, while each politician provides his own unique tech. Thus the player has 2 unit choices and 4 tech choices that he can make while ageing up, allowing for a wide range of different strategies.
Unlike other civilizations, this culture doesn’t have immortal explorers. Instead they start with Fur Traders - mortal explorers who can hunt and gather from crates and treasures - and Shepherd Dogs who are their immortal companions.
Another small but unique bonus of the Anglos is their unique herd animal – The Wool Sheep. Unlike other herdables the Wool Sheep fattens to produce coin. Since their meat is not required, they do not die after the collection of their coin. They lose their wool cover and start producing it again, giving an unlimited supply of coin over time.
Elected representatives of the people voted on critical issues and decided the course of action for their economy, military, etc. This is reflected in game by their unique building: the Parliament. Here the player can choose his political party which offers different battalions of units to choose from. The player can also choose to vote on critical issues which allow them to gain certain improvements at the cost of some others.
The American Revolution was the first successful colonial war of independence against a European power. In the peace treaty of 1783 Britain recognized American sovereignty over most territory east of the Mississippi River. Starting in the 1780s inherent divisions between the North and the South in American society over slavery ultimately led to the American Civil War. Abraham Lincoln, candidate of the largely antislavery Republican Party, was elected president in 1860. Before he took office, seven slave states declared their secession— which the federal government maintained was illegal — and formed the Confederate States of America. After the Confederate defeat in the American Civil War, in the North, urbanization and an unprecedented influx of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe hastened the country's industrialization. The wave of immigration, lasting until 1924, provided labor and transformed American culture.
In Wars of Liberty the Americans are a nation which has been hit by the worst of all problems: a civil war. However, their nation still stands tall and plays a major role in world's developments, influencing the policy of many countries. Their advanced technology is their main weapon both in warfare and economy.
The leader of the Americans is Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln is leading the United States through its greatest constitutional, military, and moral crisis — the American Civil War — preserving the Union, abolishing slavery, strengthening the national government and modernizing the economy. Reared in a poor family on the western frontier, Lincoln is self-educated, and has promoted rapid modernization of the economy through banks, canals, railroads and tariffs to encourage the building of factories. His favorite personality traits are Philosophical and Determined and his Home City is Washington, United States of America.
The United States has units from the Union, specialized in their role but otherwise weak, and the Confederates, stronger units who are weaker at countering particular kinds of units.
In 1583, Sir Humphrey Gilbert claimed St. John's, Newfoundland, as the first North American English colony by the royal prerogative of Queen Elizabeth I. French explorer Samuel de Champlain arrived in 1603, and established the first permanent European settlements at Port Royal in 1605 and Quebec City in 1608. The English established additional colonies, beginning in 1610. A series of four wars erupted in colonial North America between 1689 and 1763; the later wars of the period constituted the North American theatre of the Seven Years' War. The Treaty of Paris ceded Canada and most of New France to Britain after the Seven Years' War. Following several constitutional conferences, the 1867 Constitution Act officially proclaimed Canadian Confederation on July 1, 1867, initially with four provinces – Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.
In Wars of Liberty, the Canadian economy is based on the abundance of maple trees in this place of the world. Experienced Canadian lumberjacks gather huge quantities of maple wood in their log cabins, which is then traded with other countries. Canadians love their forests and their government takes measure for the restoration of the trees that are cut, while the Canadian military is equally dependant on wood.
The leader of the Canadians is Sir John Alexander Macdonald. The first Prime Minister of Canada and one of the Fathers of the Confederation of Canada, John Macdonald is the dominant political figure of Canada. He is credited with creating a Canadian Confederation despite many obstacles, and expanding what was a relatively small colony to cover the northern half of North America. His favorite personality traits are Determined and Expansive and his Home City is Quebec, Canada.
The Canadians have Quebecois units, who prefer to fight from close quarters, and British units, who are better at fighting from range.
The Dutch were the first to chart the whole of the western and northern coastlines and name the island continent "New Holland" during the 17th century, but made no attempt at settlement. Instead, the British Government, after the loss of their American colonies in 1780, sent a fleet of ships, the "First Fleet", under the command of Captain Arthur Phillip, to establish a new penal colony in New South Wales. Between 1855 and 1890, the six Australian colonies individually gained responsible government, managing most of their own affairs while remaining part of the British Empire. On 1 January 1901, federation of the colonies was achieved after a decade of planning, consultation and voting. The Commonwealth of Australia was established and it became a dominion of the British Empire in 1907.
In Wars of Liberty, the Australians are a nation which consists of both the colonizers and the colonized. Despite the rivalries between them, they are forced to live and fight together, otherwise they will be easy prey for their enemies. Achieving harmony between the two colliding sides might be difficult, but it is equally essential.
The leader of Australia is Henry Parkes. Parkes is considered the most prominent of the Australian Founding Fathers. Though not rich or versatile, his personality is massive, durable, and imposing, resting upon fundamental qualities of human nature elevated by a strong mind. He is an intelligent, self-educated titan whose natural field was found in Parliament and whose resources of character and intellect enabled him in his later years to overshadow all his contemporaries. His favorite personality traits are Cultural and Charismatic and his Home City is Melbourne, Australia.
The Australians have Colonist units, who have high cost and population but are powerful, and Aboriginal units, who are cheaper and weaker but have specialized abilities.
We're planning one more civilization for this culture. We will, however, keep it secret for now. Make sure you follow our news at the Discord.
The Anglos were once called North Americans, but this changed when we added the Australians. They were the first new culture with a 100% unique unit roster. The flags for Canada and Australia aren't historically accurate, but we chose those for uniqueness.